Refund Policy - Fine Silver Store

Cancellation of Orders

Cancellation or change of products will be accepted only within 48 hours of placing confirmed order

Are there any cancellation charges?

No, there are no cancellation charges.

Can I cancel one item alone from my order?

Yes, you may cancel a single item from a list of items in your order

How do I receive my refund amount after cancellation of order?

Refund amount will be credited to your account in 7 working days. In case of usage of credit card, it would be reversed to the card in 10 working days.

What happens when amount is deducted and transaction is failed?

We do not hold any responsibility for a failed transaction, however on your request we will check from our end for additional details.

What is the mode of cancellation?

A customer has options to cancel either by Emailing us or simply visit the website, type your order confirmation number and click on “Cancel my” order option.

I have used a coupon/gift card while placing an order, will it be applicable when I cancel & reorder?

Yes, on cancellation of your order the coupon/gift card would become invalid the amount debited from your account only would be refunded. In case of any discrepancy on working of coupon you may contact us for revalidation.

Please note that offers and discounts offered as a part of promotions are valid for the campaign period only.

Cancellation by us

For any reason not stated or stated, an order can be cancelled at our end because of the following reasons:

  • Error in pricing
  • Error in Product Info
  • Non Availability of Product
  • If you are un reachable on registered mobile number for order confirmation within 48 hours

Alternately in some cases we may seek some time to check out additional information for the purpose of accepting the order. Prior information will be appropriately sent to customer before cancelling the order either partially or fully.

Returns & Refunds

We have a hassle free 15 days 100% return policy with a valid receipt/bill. All the return items should carry:

  • The original billing invoice
  • Barcode tag
  • Product certifications (as applicable) attached to the item.

Any item that shows signs of damage, wear and tear, alterations, resizing (by a jeweller other than JewelDealz) will not be accepted under this policy. Product return will be not accepted in case of damage of receipt or difference in product design from that on the website. The product must be the same as shown on the website with all the supporting documents.

What happens when Product certification paper is misplaced?

After ascertaining JewelDealz Hallmarking logo on the item, it is sent for product certification. Please note that the recertification cost and courier charges for the recertification have to borne by you.

When will the amount be credited to my account?

The amount will be credited within 7 working days from the date of receipt of item. Please note that the amount will be credited to the Account /Credit Card/ Wallet that was used to complete the order.In case of COD payments we would credit to your bank account.

What are the items that are not eligible for returns?

Cancellation of Gold coins, customized jewellery, gift cards, engraved items, loose Gemstones and loose solitaires will not be accepted under any circumstances. We are not currently accepting any returns or exchanges on product(s) delivered outside India.

How to initiate a return?

To initiate return, pack the jewellery in the tamper proof cover provided by us. We would send mail instructions on how to pack a product, pack the product and handover the same to courier agent. The whole reverse pick up procedure would take at least 7-10 working days. It is also advised to note down the courier airway bill number.

What is the refund process?

A 100% refund will be made subject to quality confirmation by our skilled quality assurance team and on verification, that the packaging of the item is complete in all respects i.e. subject to availability of all the documents like original invoice, product certificate, a refund process will be initiated. A communication from our end will be sent on the receipt of the same

What happens to Coupons/discounts/offers which I have applied while purchasing the product?

The coupons/discounts/offers used will be valid/ applicable until their expiry. The discounted amount i.e. utilized by the use of a coupon/offer/discount etc. would not be refunded.

In case, any Coupons, Discount or Promo Codes were used during the original purchase, the exchange amount will be reduced by an amount equivalent to the Coupon, Discount or Promo Codes, as applicable.

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